New Patient Info & Fees
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Our Fees
Chiropractic Care
- Initial Consultation $140
- Long Appointment $105
- Standard Appointment $85
After Hours & Sunday Fees:
- Initial Consultation $180
- Long Appointment $140
- Standard Appointment $99
Remedial Massage
- 90 min $145
- 60min $115
- 45min $85
Please note the Massage Practitioners are independent contractors of In Good Hands Chiropractic Pty Limited (24162052011) and are not employees or agents of In Good Hands Chiropractic Pty Limited.
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What to expect at your first appointment
A thorough health history will be taken and you will be asked about your presenting complaint. One of our Petersham chiropractors will examine your standing posture, taking you through some gentle movements, and possibly use special tests to determine the cause of your symptoms. They will then explain your diagnosis and treatment plan, especially tailored to you. Treatment often involves specific massage or stretching of soft tissues (e.g. muscles, tendons and ligaments) and specific adjustments, gentle mobilisation of joints, to improve movement and promote healing.
Your chiropractor may advise on exercise, posture, diet, and hot/cold therapies and may suggest modifying your activities to increase the treatment’s short and long-term effectiveness. Most chiropractic treatment is gentle and should not cause undue discomfort. If your injuries do require hands-on treatment of painful and tender areas, your chiropractor takes care to make you as comfortable as possible. The chiropractor will usually treat you on your first appointment. However, they may refer you to another medical specialist or health practitioner, if necessary.
It’s important that you feel comfortable, so you may want to wear or bring loose pants or shorts.
How long does it take to treat a condition
Sometimes it is difficult to accurately gauge the time it will take someone to get better. Some patients start to notice differences straight after the first treatment. Others, depending on their condition, may need 4 to 6 treatments before they start feeling a change. However, at each consultation, your case is reviewed to make sure you’re getting the best course of treatment.

Frequently Asked Question
Chiropractors are primary healthcare practitioners therefore a referral is not necessary. However your GP’s can refer you to our office via the Enhanced Primary Care Program (EPC).
To qualify for the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) program, (previously known as Enhanced Primary Care), you will need to get a CDM form including a referral to us from your General Practitioner. Once you have this, simply bring this form in to your appointment and receive five appointments with a gap payment. For further queries regarding this, please don’t hesitate to contact the clinic on 0406230393.
Unfortunately we are unable to use your membership number through our HICAPS facility. We will print or email an invoice which will allow you to claim online or via your health funds smartphone application.
It is recommended that you bring any relevant referrals or images regarding the reason for your appointment. Any previous reports may also be of some importance. If you have private health then your card is necessary as we have on the spot health rebates. A Medicare card or DVA card is required if your appointment is eligible for Medicare bulk billing.